The Boys Of Summer 4.2

The Boys Of Summer

Chapter 10

158.4K Jan 18,2022 - 06:32 AM 박하

33 years have passed since the world filled with zombies. However, a boy named Lee Ji-seung, whose blood can heal zombies, appears. For this, he is worshiped as a guardian angel to his people. Ji Seung, who admires the Zero era (when there were no zombies), is strangely attracted when he is near a man who has just been awakened from his dream and who goes by the name of Jeon Ho-gyeong.
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Endless Your World 4.55

Endless Your World

Chapter 1

426.6K Aug 30,2020 - 17:53 PM 박하연, 윤준식

The near future where reality and virtual reality are not separated. The story of people fighting to protect the value of their essence in a world where fake and real are mixed
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