The Duke Of The Mount Deer 4.48

The Duke Of The Mount Deer

Chapter 158: Mysterious Martial Art

6.7M Dec 21,2021 - 13:02 PM Jin Yong, 沙丘

Lazy as a sloth, with a cuss flowing vulgarities, playful,carefree being, little Imp Wei Xiao Bao survived through dangers , he doesn't know martial arts let turn the Jiang hu and imperial court into his palm. As state , every step is filled with danger, every stage is hugging beauties.
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The Deer And The Cauldron 4.79

The Deer And The Cauldron

Chapter 158: Mysterious Martial Art

1.2M Dec 21,2021 - 12:32 PM 沙丘, Phoenix Entertainment (凤凰娱乐)

He's a lazy, impish, vulgar, and irreverent playboy. From Lichun Brothel to the Forbidden City, the little imp Wei Xiaobao survives through the dangers. He doesn't know martial arts, yet the martial world and the imperial court become playthings in his hands. As it has once been said: There's danger in every step, and a beauty to bring home in every stage.Chinese: 偷懒耍滑、粗话连篇;玩世不恭,风流成性。从丽春院到紫禁城,小滑头韦小宝一路惊险闯关,不会武功的他却能把江湖和朝堂玩弄于股掌之间。正所谓:步步涉险强运渡,关关抱得美人归。
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Apocalypse Mechanic 4.21

Apocalypse Mechanic

Chapter 41

2.4M Apr 20,2024 - 13:45 PM 沙丘

Apocalypse Mechanic manhua, The Apocalypse has broken out, and the zombie virus has spread wildly. Ye Bei was persecuted by the squad leader of the "White Lotus B*tch", his arm was bitten off by a zombie, and he's lived like a cockroach for fifty years in the apocalypse. With his own efforts to become a mechanic, Ye Bei developed a time machine, returned to the beginning of the end 50 years ago, and re-writ his legendary life. Having seen the sinister hearts of people, he vowed to be worse, more selfish, and more villainous than everyone else. The first thing he did after successfully crossing back was to push the female class representative out to feed the zombies!
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